New Moon // Intention
The New Moon is all about new beginnings. It is the pause at the bottom of the exhale, a blank slate ready to be filled with intention. This dark moon phase guides us to turn within, to explore the depths of our inner landscape, and to tap into intuition. From this space of inward connection, we birth new intentions for the lunar cycle, and plant those seeds in the fertile soil of New Moon energy.
Credit: Ernie Wright, NASA
Credit: John French, Michigan State University
First Quarter Moon // Aligned Action
As the moon’s light and energy grows, so does ours. The First Quarter Moon shines halfway to full, inspiring us to take aligned action toward our intentions. Aligned actions are intentional, embody our New Moon vision, and come from a place of abundance and inspiration. When we’re flowing with aligned action, less is more: these actions fill us up and bring us into the practice of “being” as though your intention has already become manifest.
Full Moon // Manifestation
The Full Moon is the pinnacle of the lunar cycle. This peak phase brings with it full illumination, before the moonlight begins to wane toward darkness again. It is a time for completion; time to harvest the seeds of intention that you sowed on the New Moon and tended during the waxing phase. You may feel that your ability to manifest your New Moon intentions is heightened and a clear path to continue forward has been illuminated, which may include an expanded vision of your goals, or the need to course correct. Following the Full Moon is a perfect time to focus on your gratitude practice for all that you have called in, the lessons you’ve learned, and the abundant blessings of life.
Credit: Lick Observatory
Credit: Ernie Wright, NASA
Third Quarter Moon // Release
As the moon wanes back toward darkness, it is the time for letting go. The Third Quarter moon invites us to release the intentions we set on the New Moon as well as any outdated habits, limiting thought patterns, or anything else that is no longer serving you to clear space for the next cycle of evolution. This process of letting go is not always easy, as we can become attached to certain outcomes or expectations. However, by releasing our intentions to the universe, we are signaling that we trust in the process and know that abundance is always in flow. Letting go is a necessary part of the cycle, just as trees release their leaves each winter to create space for new life to grow.