Welcome to Luna Rasa!
Hi, I’m Chelsea, lunar living guide and founder of Luna Rasa. I created Luna Rasa to help you awaken and embody divine feminine energy by living in alignment with the lunar cycle. Through moon circles, Lunar Yoga, meditation, and ritual, my intention is to create a safe space for you to (re)discover radical connection to mind, body, breath, spirit, nature, and community. In a world that emphasizes the fiery, solar energy of "doing" and “busy-ness” Luna Rasa offers balance by exploring the rasa of the moon: the essence of "being."
What is Lunar Yoga?
Lunar Yoga is the style of yoga I’ve developed to embody the rasa- essence, taste, or quality- of the moon. Like the moon, Lunar Yoga follows a month-long cycle, each week’s class serving as a stand alone component that fits into the month’s greater sequence and theming.
The mood, movement, and theme of each class mirrors the energy of the current lunar phase:
New Moon // like the new moon herself, Lunar Yoga during this phase is a primarily internal practice. this is the most restorative phase of the cycle, featuring reclined and seated postures supported by props and held in soft stillness. during this class you will receive downloads about the themes of the upcoming lunar month to guide you in setting your new moon intentions. {think yoga nidra}
Waxing Moon // the theme of the waxing moon is aligned action. Lunar Yoga during this phase includes both seated + standing postures and builds in energy and momentum. {think hatha or slow flow}
Full Moon // this is the peak of the lunar cycle, and is the highest energy physical practice. during the full moon, Lunar Yoga is a breath-driven mandala flow with bigger, flowing movements around the entire mat and a lively soundtrack. {think vinyasa}
Waning Moon // the wind down of the lunar cycle, this phase is about slowing down and letting go. the Lunar Yoga practice is sensation-based and composed of long, supported holds with an emphasis on the exhale phase of breath. often described as the other side of yoga, Lunar Yin focuses on the muscle fascia and connective tissues of the body as well as nervous system regulation. {think Yin Yoga}